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Thursday, August 19, 2010

mine (just cuz thats the new amazing taylor swift song!)

hey brunette!

sorry its been a while i have been really busy! haha okay this is really random but i keep thinking about this when i read ur post for some reason. k remember when i got my braces off and u were like pointing at my teeth with a thumbs up in english? well i honestly had no idea what u were talking about and after a few times of being like what? i just thought oh well so i mouthed thanks back and then i was thinking about it and a few seconds later i totally got it and i was like ohhhh. hahaha okay sorry that was random i just thought of that for some reason.


well your posts have been very insightful and mature and deep, but i cant think of anything like that at the moment. im sorry that ur year was so full of bad stuff :( but it sounds like u have grown from it at least. thats always good. my year was fairly easy, no conflicts and really very few negative things happened to me. hmmm.

so summer is almost over! im gonna post my schedule so we can see if we have any classes together. ready?

per. 1: MUN
per. 2: Alg. 2
per. 3: English 2H
per. 4: Spanish 2
per. 5: Bio
per. 6: Journalism
per. 7: Religon

so check it! :)

what else can i post about? today i went to balboa like we do anually with serenas family and another family...it was really fun. at the beach today it was soo funny these cute guys about our age were showing off for us on their surfboards haha they were rly obvious and we heard them talking about it. their friends were like "ya you guys were trying to hit on those two girls the whole time!" hahahaha. :)

i cant believe summer is almost over and school is starting again! wow! just a week or two left now. well post back soon :)

loooove, blonde :)