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Monday, September 28, 2009

What's innapropriate?! I don't even remember what song it was but how could I have put something innapropriate....?


A Note

Just a note to say that I removed one of Brunette's Top Five due to being really innapropriate. I don't want to have any bad stuff on this blog. :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beautiful Day, by U2

Hey Brunette!

First off, we have a new follower! Hey new follower, (you have a really confusing name-not even going to try)! That brings us to three followers :)

Haha yes, how mean of Sean to make you sick. RUDE!!!! Hahaha what a jerk. Jk...I got my cold from my family: first my mom had it, then my dad, then me, and now my brother. It's one of those horrible colds where all you want to do is sleep all the time. In fact, my brother is sleeping on the couch as I type.

Yes, only in an Honors class...I love it. Mr. M is funny and probably my most interesting teacher...but I don't agree with some of his views. Like the illegal immagrant thing...there are some good people here illegally, I'm sure, but there are some bad people too and it really is against the law. I wish there was an easy answer for that...and yeah, I know it's not like an insult to be an "example", but it gets really wearing after a while.

Hahaha that's funny how you said you were kidding...mostly. Yes, it is funny because, like, Alex M., for example, is brilliant and he acts like it all the time. But Bill and Sean are both as smart as him...they just don't act like it sometimes as you know haha. I guess that is Alex's reputation, (being smart), and Sean's is being nice and Bill's is being funny. So there you go.

I LOVE MUN! Hahaha but I do. I think a lot of people don't like it because it's a ton of work if you don't love it. But I really do! We had an 8 hour conference on Saturday and I won an award! I'm so excited! Only 3 people in my committee got the Outstanding Award and Madison and I both did, along with another girl. There are also a bunch of Commendations and one Best Delegate, but they can't give the Best Delegate one to a *our school* student because it was held at our school and they don't want to seem biased. So I am reallllly excited to get the best that I could get!

Our teacher told us that if you raise your hand at EVERY OPPURTUNITY then you are bound to get some award and I did EVERY SINGLE TIME because I really, really wanted to get one. So, like, if someone said, "Motion to set comment time at 10 seconds," I would say, "Pakistan would like to motion to set time at 8 seconds!" Just to say something. And then everyone would start laughing because it was so ridiculous. And afterwards, someone's like, "Who was it that motioned for 8 seconds?" And I'm like, "Hehehehee....welll....okay, I was just trying to say something!" So then when I got the award, I was like, "My eight seconds paid off!!!!" Also, I knew a lot about my topic.

I saw the movie Fame with Lindsay and Christine on Friday. It was good! :) Plus, if you see it and write a paper on it, you can get extra credit for Theatre Arts, since we watched some of the original in class. I can compare and contrast and then I get extra credit! I am sooo doing that!

And then I babysat after the conference and earned 40 doallars. So Saturday was so my day! Hahaha

What have you been doing lately? You never told me how you did at the xcountry thing you missed school from. Bill took your seat and the Mrs. B never even noticed. :)

Anyways, I think I have bored you enough for now! BYeeee!

Love, love, love, Blonde!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Party in the U.S.A. [ ahh! it's our team song :D ]


I'm sorry you were sick! That's not fun...I had a bit of a cold for a few days but I'm pretty much over it now. I'm blaming it on Sean because he was also sick and he sits right behind me. How rude of him. :P

I love English class! Down By The Banks...honestly? Haha like you said: only in an honors class! Mrs. B is so nice though, goodness. She and Mr. M (religion) are my favorite teachers. Oh, speaking of Mr. M...don't worry about being the "angel" of religion class. It's more of a compliment that anything, right? And he's not expecting you to be perfect, he's just using you as a quiet, respectful student example. That's all.

Hehe....yes, Bill is nice. ;) He DOES blush a lot though! Haha it's cute. I love how he and Sean act around each other, it's hilarious. "Dumb and Dumber have arrived..." (quote from Bill when he and S walked into the room). Haha..true! Just kidding. Well....mostly.

Why does nobody like M.U.N.? I don't get it. But I'm glad I'm not in it, no offence!

Oh and I really, really don't like my science teacher. Shudder...

That's it for now! I'll probably post again soon.

Lalalove, Brunette.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I was sick for the last two days and now I get all the fun of make up work. Plus, I still feel sick. Ugh!

Today in Religion, this guy, (I totally don't know his first name cuz Mr. M always calls him by his last name, but he sits in the front), bumped into me and he's like, 'Oh, sorry.' And then he looked at who he bumped into and he's like, 'Miss L.', (well, he said my full last name, but I'm not publishing my last name on here). And I'm like, 'Shut up, my name is 'Blonde'!' (Same, don't want to publish my name here). And he just laughed. Oh gosh! :)

And the we had a talk about bullying and Madison was right behind me saying how bullying was everyone's problem and sickening hypocrisy like that. It made me want to gag. And slap her. I mean, the whole time, I was thinking, REALLY? REALLY, MADISON? Well, it sure wasn't your problem last year when you were making my life so miserable that I left the school.
This did not help, especially since I was already sick.
You were out for xcountry...how did that go? Hope you did well! (I'm sure you did-you're good! :)) Mrs. Barry said to bring the Odyssey to class and we took a Vocab test. I have to take it tommrow morning, since I was sick and didn't know about the test. Anyways, (anyways seems to be my word of the day), that is all we did today in English and all we did in Religion was discuss bullying. So yeah...
Love, Blonde :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fallin' for You

Hey Brunette!

Okay, this title is totally a joke, because your Sean thing at the bottom. He was just the first person I thought of hahahaaha. My POINT was that it would be easier if you could just choose who you like. And, although Sean is a very nice person, he was an example and only that!!!!!!!! Hahahahaahaha. I was just kind of rambling at that point anyways.

And, yes, as we discussed at school, the whole your-hands-are-cold thing killed me too. I don't know if you noticed, but my friends and I in the corner all like burst out in laughter, like what????? Really, Elizabeth????

How fun was the Down by the Banks thing? Hahahahaha only in an Honors class....that's why I love them :)

And Mr. Mercer is killing me in religion! Don't do anything 'Blonde' wouldn't do in the chapel? Really????? That was really unnessasary!!! I am so sick of it! I don't know why he thinks I'm so perfect. I'M NOT, as you know more than anyone. And then everyone looks at me and I'm like okkkaaaaayyyy. And I got an 100 percent on that stupid paper that he said everyone failed but two people. Thank goodness he didn't say who did, because I am so sick of the whole perfect thing! I just like writing. :)

All right, that's it for todaayyyyy!

Love, Blonde

Thursday, September 17, 2009

she wears short skirts, i wear t-shirts, she's cheer captain and i'm on the bleachers

"Your hands are cold."

"Ah yes, Lizzy, I love you too."

Honestly? Did she really think it was going to work like that?

a.few.words.by Brunette

P.S. " 'I like .....Sean, for example!' " <-----(??) Hahahahahaha!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hey Brunette!

Glad I'm not writing to myself anymore! :) Who is that song by??? Do you mean you're dedicating it or the songwriter did? Speaking of drop of the ocean, remember how you said "Breathe" made you think of the ocean? Well, I wouldn't have thought about it, but you're right, it does!

Yes, there is so much of highschool that it is hard to sum it up in one word, but I love it! Religion is sooooo funny, even though I barely know anyone in that class and it is sooo embarassing when he keeps being like, "Miss L. is so nice, " and I'm like, "Oh, uhhhh..." and then like that one time I raised my hand and he's like, "Everyone listen, she's the nicest person in this room," and then everyone turned around to look at me and I was thinking, Oh, shoot, because I didn't have anything amazing to say, I was just going to say something I remembered learning in Religion last year about Jesus as the Lamb. So that was pretty awkward! I'm such a teacher's pet!!!!!

I love English! I love that teacher! She's so nice! We only have one guy on our side of the room and he's kinda weird, but it was funny because he's like, "Uh, no offense to you guys, but how did I end up on this side of the room? I'm the only guy!" And now I actually like Pride and Prejudice more, because Madison and I figured out this whole thing and then also I liked it more when I re-read it and wasn't just trying to cram and get it over with. The teacher is so excited about it that it made me want to read it! :)

Math is surprisingly okay because Mr. H is amazing. Mr. S sounds soooo funny though!!!!!!! If you don't have a ruler, I'll take a ruler to your grade!!!!!! Hahahaaha. I really like MUN and I really don't like science.

I love Theatre Arts! Plus a ton of my friends are in it: Jenny, Nygine, Erin, Madison, Kristen, Carina, Katrina, and Amber. It's funnnn! Auditions for the play were today and yesterday. I'm not really expecting to make it because a ton of people tried out and seniors usually get picked for these kinds of things, which I understand, because they will never have another chance to be in a high school play. Still, I thought I might as well try out with Amber and Madison. :)

Heyyy! No fair not to tell me if Jake goes to SM or not. He must go to our school if you're being so mysterious about it. And, yes, it's easier to not like anyone...but you never can choose to like someone or not and that's what's so frusterating about it! It would be so much easier if you could just be like, "You know what, I don't like anyone." Or, "You know what, I like (random example) Sean! I've decided!" But you can't decide that, so there's no use in trying...(as Elizabeth Bennet found out :))

Well, I have to go work on my MUN paper, if I don't want to be working on it all night! Byeee!!! Post soon!

<3, Blonde

PS: Tell me about xcountry!!! :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Drop In The Ocean

"A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather, I was praying that you and me might end up together / It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, but I'm holding you closer than most, cause you are my heaven...."

...Love that song. It's dedicated to somebody special hahaha ;)

Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't been checking back here very often. 100 posts? Wow!

So. High school. In one word, its been amazing. But its kind of impossible to sum it up in one word isn't it? Overall though, it's been a great experience so far. I have met some...interesting...people, but mostly I've met a ton of really cool people and I'm so thankful for that. I'll be honest, I was scared of high school for a long time. But now....it's just anticipation of what tomorrow will be like.

You ask about Jake? Hahaha....well. I'm not going to say if he IS at S.M. or he isn't. Hahaha...

I'm sorry about your shins! I hope it's not a fracture. Painful. :[

Right now, as far as guys go, I don't like anyone. Well, in the "like like" sense of the word, that is! I'm happy with that and I intend to keep it that way for as long as possible. Makes my life a whole lot easier. :)

Well, I'm sorry to cut this short, but I've got health homework to finish. Adios!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

100th Post

HI! All right, I am just writing this because this will be the 100th POST!!!!!! So cool! I really don't have anything to say...today Megan W. and I went and shopped for MUN outfits for our conference in two weeks, September 26th. I went to the football game last night; it was fun! And I went to the volleyball game! Chloe is sooo good! I am not going to do xcountry...basically because I can't run. We think it's a stress fracture. :(

Well, since I am writing this like to myself it's not really very interesting to me, because I know everything that I am going to say and writing exciting news isn't very fun because I am the only one who sees it! I don't know how people write one person blogs!

So this may be my last post. :( If anyone is reading this, leave me a comment! That way I won't feel like I'm just talking to myself!!!!!!!

Love, Blonde

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

You Make Me Smile

Love that song! Sorry, it's random, but I just like that song, so that is the title! Well, this is blog is now really just for me because I don't think you really post anymore. Which is fine! I just like to post for some reason! :)

The dance was fun. My parents were out of town for Cole's soccer tournament. Lindsay and Nat both offered to drive me, but I was already going with Madison, which was great with me! :)I then spent the night at her house, which was fun. Then my parents picked me up and we went to go visit my grandparents and I worked on my MUN paper practically the whole time.

I like MUN though, I think it's totally going to be my kind of thing! We had this thing in class where we had to talk for two minutes about a subject that was random and he just picked right before you starting talking so that you had NO time flat to think about it! I was one of three people in my class who talked for three minutes. The way I think of it, I'm used to talking about nonsense for long periods of time! And it WAS nonsense! My topic was 'Countries of the World" and it turns out half of what I was saying was totally incorrect, but the teacher said that it didn't matter because often you have to make stuff up at conferences when you don't know the answer to a question. Never admit defeat! :)

I saw you, (or should I say I saw Brunette, since I doubt that Brunette is even reading this? Oh well, I'll still say "you" out of habit), totally get lost on the way to English today. I hate getting lost. :( So I stood there waving at you until you saw me and came to the class. That was a fairly boring class. I love how overly enthusiastic that guy in the computer lab was! So, you have met Bill! Isn't he nice? :) I still haven't met Jake, I don't know if he went to SM after all...maybe he's just not in my classes. I don't know! I am rereading Pride and Prejudice and actually enjoying it! Surprise, surprise! Maybe I was prejudiced against it at first. Hahahahahahahahaha okay that wasn't even funny.

Well, I will say goodbye before things get too out of control and I start writing more nonsense. Plus, I really need to finish my math homework! Bye!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I love highschool! :) Did you enjoy your Sweedish Fish? Hahahahaha I don't know how you can possibly finish all of it...

Highschool is, in my opinion, soooo much better than middle school! Did you go to the football game last night? It was really fun. I went with a group of six of us and three of us got "lost" and had what we called and "adventure"!!!!!!!

Today I am going to work on some homework until 3:00 pm, when Madison J. picks me up and I am going to her house b4 the bbq and the dance and the sleeping over. Dance should be fun!!!!!!!!! Are you going?

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

love, blonde