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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hey Brunette!

Oh gosh Jason cracks me up! We've become pretty good friends and it's always so fun to be with him because he is really not trying to be cool or anything, and it makes him hilarious! He sits by me and English and Spanish. We have this game in Spanish...oh my gosh. Me and him and Andrew, (not H.) play it before tests instead of studying and it's soooo funny cuz we have gotten super competitive. It's great! And it has actually helped me on the tests because I have an incentive to study the vocab. And then we had to kind of pair up and describe what we were wearing and Jason and I were partners and it went something like this....Him: "Lleva chaqueta uhhhh...gray...y uhhhh....shorts....morreno..." And then me " Lleva camisa blanca y falda....uhhhh.....plaido." Hahahahahahahahaahahaha.

Ahhh Sean can be pretty funny, I have to say. He said something in MUN the other day that was such perfect timing that I laughed out loud. Luckily, it was a substitute, Mr. R would have freaked out. See, our class somehow convinced the sub that Mr. R lets us talk and help eachother on our work...uhhh yeah right. But it was pretty nice. Then when Mr. R came back and found out we watched "Elf" all class on Friday...well, then it was not so nice. :)

And JERK! You can't say you're going to tell a story and not tell it! Now I'm curious! Even if it WILL bring up my opinion of him even higher. Ughhhh I REALLY shouldn't have told you about the high opinion thing.........:)

Love, Blonde :)

breathe (CPR...get it?)

So...since I haven't posted in a few days, I decided that now is a good of a time as any. Well actually, I'm more or less avoiding homework. But who's counting?

Something funny happened in health class today haha. So Jason M(iller) is in my health class and we're learning CPR so we can be certified. Anyway, I was in my group (consisting of me, and two guys who are complete idiots but think they are hilarious...ugh) and I was sitting right next to Jason's group. All of us were practicing on mannequins - if you haven't seen them, the mannequins are basically the torso and head of a person. So, a guy in Jason's group was practicing CPR on the mannequin (which obviously wasn't responding) and we're all just kinda watching him, when suddenly Jason goes, "Wait guys wait! I think I know what's wrong with him! He's missing the entire second half of his body!"

Hahahahahahahaha! It was SO funny, I couldn't stop laughing so I had to force one of the guys in my group to practice instead of me. Hahaha....Jason. He's hilarious.

That's my story of the day...there should be some more coming soon! Oh and I never finished the other story about Bill did I? But...it might make you think a little TOO highly of him, so I'm not sure if I should post it or not. We'll see!


Monday, October 19, 2009

permanent marker


Boys = fail.

Well....most of the time.

Just thought I would share that with the world.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Ohhh.. I get it now! But we don't have to worry about naming him....I really don't plan on talking about him here! Hahahaha. So yeah...

Oh and why do my children have blue-green eyes?! I thought it was blue all the way?

Uhhh, you still missed it. I said the new guy that BRUNETTE likes. :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

heart like memphis ;)

Okay I read your post, and I thought that when you said you have a new Cory, you had a new person that you liked and so I was totally confused because I didn't see the "story" after that so I had no idea what you meant when you said you were a poet and you didn't know it and so I accidentally voted to name him "Joe" because I thought it was a NEW PERSON so of course I wouldnt want you reusing a name....but anyway I do think you should keep his name as Cory. Or you might as well just write Bill - it makes it a little easier for me to picture haha but do whatever you want!

Wow, reading back over that....I don't know HOW I possibly got into Honors English. Hahahaha wow. Wow.

Please please post your Cory story! (Hehe yeah...it does rhyme, doesnt it?)

Wait why do my children suddenly have blue-green eyes...?! I thought we were sticking with just blue here hahaha and I might throw up too.

Sorry this was quick - I'm in the middle of a frantic review of the Odyssey! I'll post more interesting stuff later. Bye!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'd Lie

Hey Brunette!

I have another Cory,(if, by the end of the poll, I am allowed to keep that name hahahaah check the poll if you haven't already) story....hahahaahaha it even rhymes!Anyways, the problem is that now I can just see you going back and reading it a couple months later and cracking up because now you know him. Or cracking up right now when you read my story. Ugh. I would like to allow myself some dignity by saying that when I said I almost died of shock when he came to my desk last year, I was KIDDING and I added that I was kidding RIGHT AFTER I SAID THAT. I'm not THAT pathetic! Hahahaaha no but seriously I really don't know if I like him or not, so I am not going to say either and have to eat my words later, as I have had to do so many times before. See, now we are more liike friends, like we talk sometimes, so it's not quite so pathetic if I do like him, thank goodness. Anyways, I have made the last THREE POSTS, so I am going to wait until you post next to decide whether to post my Cory story, (hahahahaa) or not. So there! Hahahaha we are so ridiculous about guys. If YOU ever think about teasing ME, then just remember, I am not the one having blue eyed children! Or, excuse me, now they are blue-green eyed children. Hahahahahahahaha you're going to make me throw up. AND you said you were going to write a poem about Stephen as a tribute when he left AND you got very excited when he sat by you when his best friend was absent. SO THERE YOU ARE AS PATHETIC AS ME! CONGRATS, I KNOW YOU'RE JUST SO EXCITED! All right, good night, (another rhyme:I'm a poet and I didn't know it)Okay, I really need to shut up, so bye!

Love, Blonde :)

Only Happy When It Rains

Hey Brunette!

You deleted a post! Bad person! Hahahahah jk but why did you delete it? I had already read it haha and I knew exactly who you were talking about, I swear I didn't think about it....to be honest, I had already kinda guessed that you liked him just from English...plus almost everyone has a crush on him at one time or another. You have officially entered school! Lol jk but it is true that a lot of girls have liked him. He's so nice. :) My advice to you would be to give him a little space...you don't want to like follow him everywhere. But other than that...sweet! He's a great guy!

I thought the testing today was okay overall, but I didn't get to finish the math part that we had fifteen minutes for. Oh well. That's life.

Then I went out to lunch and now I am home and doing makeup work and texting Lindsay and Christine.

Today is a gloomy sort of day. The sky is the color of sea foam and it has been raining on and off. A day where you just want to stay inside and read a book. Or post on your blog, for example. Hahaha I'm sorry, that wasn't funny. I love this weather though, other than the rain when you have to walk through it at school and your hair gets all wet! Arrgh!

What did you end up choosing for your art paper? Not much to see at the art festival, in my opinion. 15 minutes was definitly long enough. And barely anyone I know was there. At first I thought I knew NO ONE but then I found Sean and Bill and talked to them for a while, and then they had to leave, so luckily my friend Danielle, who was one of the artists, found me. I chose her drawing of a pepper. Then SHE had to leave and then I saw you and then YOU left, so I was all by myself for a while before my parents came and picked me up. So that was the Art Festival for me. It's funny, I recognized Jade's art picture right away-she has a very distinctive style of art.

What else? My first play practice was on Monday, it was really fun. That's why I was at school and saw you and Sean lol I was trying not to laugh. Madison's like, "What was that???" I'm like, "Uhhh...well then...." Hahahahahaha.

Well, that's all for todayyyy! Oh, have you heard the song I'd Lie, by Taylor Swift? I love it! You can't buy it on itunes, so I had to go through this really complicated thing to get it. But it's so cute! I love her songs. :)



Friday, October 9, 2009


Such a bummer that you would be forced to say no of that girl asked you to homecoming. Really a pity.What a rude way to ask you though!

Good thing that rumor is over. Don't you hate it when you can't just be FRIENDS with a guy without everyone thinking that you like eachother? LOL remember our nicknames "Cory" and Stephen"??? I'm trying to remember which one was which....oh yeah, Cory was Bill cuz you said he may have jungle eyes, but you bet he doesn't smile like the radio! HAHAHAHA that's the randomest simalie ever-smiles like a radio?????? What!? Anyways, I do NOT like him anymore, just saying. Not to say that he isn't nice, but I just don't like him anymore.

So what is your secret that you are going to post? You can NOT leave me there; it is simply not fair. Come ONNNNNNN!

I should re-title my post "5 Things", it was "5 Reasons Why", but I like "5 Things" better. There, I did it! Awwww, I didn't know you were crying and shaking, that's so sad. I remember you first posted about it, because I think you didn't want to tell me directly. I'm so glad you're better now, that scared me!

K SERIOUSLY WAS IT NESSASARY FOR MR. MERCER TO BE LIKE YES!!!! THE SUNSHINE IS BACK IN MY CLASSROOM! !? Now all the guys in that class call me "Miss Leveque". A bunch of them sit by me in math, so they're always talking to me. I'm like MY NAME IS "BLONDE"! arrrgh. Wonder what would happen if I failed the religion test? Josh said he probably failed it but I don't have to worry because I'm as smart as -uhhhh the place you go when you die and don't believe in God. Hahaha basically I'm trying not to put swearing on our blog. Anyways, I asked Mr. Mercer about it and he said pretty much the same thing except without the uhhh un-heaven part in it. I'm like thinking, "Will SOMEONE tell me about the stupid test?" So, Brunette, how was it? And don't you dare say not to worry about it! hahahaha

Anyways, my brother is coming, so I g2g! Bye!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

she will be loved

Hahaha! The Rumor Weed..? Haha well I can't say that I remember that episode (VeggieTales forever!), but I agree with you - I'm scared of the rumor weed too! ;)

Isn't homecoming so cute?! I love how the guys ask the girls in every imaginable way possible. And there are a LOT of flowers around school...a girl holding a bouqet while running almost crashed into me today. Maybe she was hoping to ask me to homecoming...? Haha jk jk. Besides, freshman can't go anyway! I would have been forced to say no.

Ah...back to the rumor. Well aside from some teasing by the people who STARTED the rumor (most of them were friends of mine anyway), it's cleared up. You guessed right: it WAS a ridiculous rumor. But basically the rumor was that me and my friend were going out, but we definitely were not. It was mainly awkward because me and the guy are just friends...but we had a laugh or two over it. It ended up being no big deal.

Youre post (5 things) was really really sweet. It brought back a lot of memories while I was reading it...I remember that one night too, when I told you about having anorexia and I was crying and shaking cause I had never told anyone about it before, and you were so supportive and such a good "listener". Thank you for that. I'm really glad we started this blog...like you said, it started with a silly resolution, and ended up being so much more. And there ARE a lot of secrets on here hahaha! I'm thinking about posting my most recent one soon. We'll see. :)


Monday, October 5, 2009

5 Things

Okay, I have been reading some past posts and I just want to write about five reasons this blog is amazing.

1. This blog has totally kept a friendship together. We have gone through some times recently where I thought we would never be able to get it back together and be friends, but this blog always comes through and conquers! And I love it for that. I really don't want to lose you as a friend when we have been through so much together and been friends so long. And you have been so amazingly there for me even when I am a jerk or when I am sad and just need someone. I cannot tell you how much you and this blog helped when I was going through that horrible thing with my friends and because that was a time when I was so so so so sad and you were there and that was a really hard time for me and I did not treat you the way that you deserved to be treated, but you are still here writing on this blog and I cannot tell you how much I love you for that. I am really sorry for being a totally un-called-for JERK at that time.

2. This blog has been like therapy. Which sounds like we're these two messed up people, but I think it really has helped. You could write about your eating disorder and I could write about my friends ditching me and bullying me. I remember crying over your eating disorder when you told me that night when we were doing backgrounds for the blog and I remember you telling me to be strong when it felt like the whole school was against me. It helped so much for me to be able to write everything down here. I told you things in this blog that I could never tell anyone else.

3. Secrets! This blog holds so many secrets that have NEVER come out of this blog. WE have never told anyone about this blog and I love that this is such an honest place.

4. We started this blog because of the resolution....but I love how it has become so, so, so, so much bigger, into something we could've never imagined it being.

5. This blog will always be here!!!!!!!!!!!! And it's so amazing!

So thank you, Brunette, for giving me the gift of this blog! You're amazing!!!!!!!
LOVE, Blonde

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Rumor Weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha have you ever seen the Veggie Tale that's called the Rumor Weed? It was a long, green weed that I believe thrived on rumors. I saw only half of that movie. I was scared of the Rumor Weed. :)

Hahahahaha anyways, rumors are not fun. Remember this post? I copied it and pasted it here....

"Wow! I really don't understand what is oh-so-interesting about me and who I may or may not like! But apparently it's an absoultely FASCINATING topic to everyone but me! Everyone thinks I like Jason, but I never even said that! Marrin just thought I did and now Emily sort of thinks I do and then Jillian, (who knows how she heard this), told Danielle, Amanda C., Amanda B and Francesca that I do!!!!!!! I know because Danielle was at the fish fry and asked me who I like. I just laughed and was like, "Oh, no one...." and she's like, "I heard it was Jason!" And I'm like, "No!" And she's like, "You're blushing!" (which I probably was, but, so what? I blush at everything), and I'm like, "I am NOT." And then I remembered to ask, "Who told you that?" And she said, "Jillian."


So I know exactly what you're going through. Isn't it ridiculous when people make rumors out of nothing? They must just do it because they're bored or their own lives just aren't very interesting. I found that the best way to kill it is to tell as many people the truth as possible, before they hear it from soemone else. That way, they'll be like, "That's not true!" And eventually people will lose interest and get bored with it and go off and make a rumor about someone else. Hahahaha

What is the rumor? That way I can tell people it isn't true. It's probably somthing really ridiculous. Hopefully it is so that you can at least laugh at it!

Good luck and stick to your story! :)

<3, Blonde

PS: Yeah, I've actually had a fever and a flu too ugh. Now I'm just left with a cough. Hopefully I'll be back to school soon! :)



Thanks for letting me know! No, my views on innapropriate language haven't changed..that's why I have the edited version of the song haha. But I guess you are right in that the song lyrics arent that great. I only put that song last week because I had been hearing it a lot (my top 5 are, a lot of the time, songs that I've simply had in my head lately). But I respect your opinion nonetheless. :)

Ugh...highschool. Both the greatest thing ever and the most annoying thing ever. Something that I haven't had to deal with until now are R U M O R S. Grr. Especially when they are about ME. There aren't any bad rumors, just...annoying ones. Me and the person who is also part of the rumor are trying to clear it up. It's a little frustrating though.

That's all for now! I can't write a lot cuz my laptop crashed (AGAIN) so I'm (AGAIN) forced to use the family computer. Bleh.


PS How's your cold? Are you feeling better?

Saturday, October 3, 2009


"Don't Trust Me" - 3OH!3 is the song I took off because the lyrics are pretty innapropriate, not to mention the language. You can have whatever song you want and that's cool, but I don't want to advertise innapropriate songs on this blog. I remember last year you didn't even want me to say "heck" because it was too close to swearing, (I'm glad we are able to edit posts because I accidently wrote too close to "sweating" last time haha) . Well, this song totally has the F word and some innapropriate content. Maybe you have changed your views about all of that and that's your choice if you don't think that song is innapropriate, but I have not changed my mind and I don't want it on this blog. Oh, btw, I like the new background or layout or whatever it's called! haha

Thanks! Blonde :)