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Friday, June 26, 2009

About Life, by Julianne Hough

Hey Brunette!

Hahaha yes! Stalkers R US! Actually, I was bored and I wanted to read something, but I had no new books and it's hard to find good blogs, so I just looked at the ones you follow! Hahaha

Troy is the one that we joked that Marrin was married to and he found out...yeah. Hahhaha good times. Now he listens when I talk to other people too. Creeeepy! Maybe he just wants more friends. Idk.

Yeah, Kayla just LOOKS nice. Some people do. Erin looks nice and so does Megan W. And you? Not so much. Hahahahah jk jk. Oh, btw, I just saw our volleyball pictures and yours is really pretty, y0u should look at it.

Thanks for telling me about the eating disorder! I find those things interesting in a morbid sort of way. Also, they help me to understand better. I think what you felt was very typical in what most people with eating disorders feel, from what I have learned. Thank you for sharing! (And it's ok about the running, I would've run anyways! But if something like that ever happens again, please try to tell me in some way. I promise I won't freak out.)

Hahaha you're one to be talking about Cory! What about Steven and what did we call J-Drew??? Drew and your blue eyed children! I can't wait to meet him!

My bathing suit is blue and brown. I love it! What about yours?

OMG! OMG! OMG! I have so-called Diamond Stength Nail Polish too! Mine is light purple! And you are soooo right! We should file a lawsuit hahahaahaha. And I've had your shampoo too and it smells really good. Mine wasn't curls and waves though, obviously!

I am soooo busy this weekend. On Saturday, I am getting together with a girl from my health class, Natalie and yet another doctor appointment for my back. And on Sunday I have my party! It is going to be so fun! :)

I am reading a book that my friend and neighbor Emily lent me on Thursday. Emily and Jenna, (another neighbor), and I swam, played tetherball, etc. It was fun. They are both freshmen.

It's so funny seeing all the Serra people because they are stuck in their little Serra cliques and I have soooo many more friends than them at summer school! hahahahhaha. How weird is it that like Megan W will meet all the people that we talk about and stuff and she has no idea who they are. Hahhaaha.

Bye! Post soon!


Blonde :)

PS: Now that I have painted my nails a pretty pink, I am paranoid of them getting chipped! So far so good!

Thriller - dedicated to the late Michael Jackson, may he rest in peace.

Hey Blonde!

Wow, you call ME a stalker?! Hahaha sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. I'm not sure what that phrase means. But I decided to use it...because you can't say that I am the stalker if you have equally stalkerish tendencies. But it's all right, I don't mind. :) As a general rule I try not to write anything that I wouldn't be okay with other people seeing and knowing that it was me who wrote it. I mean, of course I wouldn't want other people seeing this blog, but that is only because there are some personal things written on here. But I haven't bashed anyone or used language, so it would be fine if someone read this. But it would be sort of like reading my diary or something, you know? Haha, a little off track there...sorry!

It sounds like Troy either likes you, or he just doesn't pay attention enough. I can't say, because I am not there! But we'll just have to wait and see, right? Hehe.

I'm glad you are making new friends at your class! Kayla is shy at first, but she is really funny once you start talking to her. And she is very loyal...and she knows a lot of awesome songs. We tend to sing them together when we are hyper. I'm glad that I will be on the cross country team, because I will get to make lots of new friends before school starts! Major benefit there. I mean, I already know several people who are going there, but there is something about being on a team and making new, strong friendships before the actual high school experience starts that is comforting. First day of school....I shouldn't have to worry. ;) I'm not a new kid. We are ALL new kids. It doesn't matter where you went to school anymore, it's where you are GOING to be: at S.M. The cliques will break up...to form new cliques most likely, but so what? I will not have some stupid group or clique. I have a clean slate. I refuse to comform to the cliched high school stereotype. Not happening. :)

Hmm...good question about the eating disorder thing. I think I have talked to you about it a few times before, so I don't want to be repeating myself! That would be annoying for you! But since you asked, I suppose that the need of being in control of something was a factor. It was my last year of homeschooling, and I knew that after that year, my world would turn upside down because of high school. It felt like everything was going too fast, and there was nothing I could do about it. So yes, I think that by deciding, "I don't have to eat this. I don't want to eat this. I can't eat this," I felt that I was in control of at least one aspect of my life. And there was a reward system. Every time I got on the scale (which I did at least twice a day) and saw that the number was lower, I was happy. It was like I was accomplishing something all by myself, by my own choice.

But anyway, that is going to be weird having to study that in health...AGAIN. It was awkward the first time cuz we had to answer all those questions honestly, but fortunately it never got to bad for me. I only lost about 11 pounds, and I am not sure if there was any physical signs of it. My mom kept saying, "Your jeans are getting baggy" and whatnot, but I don't know if you could tell just by looking at me. I was just depressed and not fun to be around. I guess I was angry. I don't really know why. It was a phase, I suppose. But I remember bruising a lot easier and being really sore for no reason when it was happening. I just became "afraid" of food. I also exercized constantly in order to burn more calories. I have to tell you...those runs that we did around the lake? I was only using those to get rid of the calories. I enjoyed running with you, but my real motive was to lose weight by running more. I'm sorry...I shouldn't have used you in that way. I don't know what was wrong with me. I'm sorry.

On a lighter note! ;) Wow, it's just as I suspected: you HAVEN'T gotten over Cory. But it's totally okay. I mean, I know that you only like him a little, and that's fine! You will get over him eventually. Or you might end up getting married. But we'll just have to see about that, won't we?

DON'T go see T2. Everyone I know who has watched it said that it was really bad. I know what you mean - I'm not the kind of person who would want to see that either!

Psh, I knew you would pick pink. I like white though. Red is of course a great COLOR, but I think it's a bit too much to have red nails unless you are going somewhere fancy. What color is your bathing suit? I just got mine, and I like it! I will need a two-piece for S.M. though, I believe. Oh well....hahaha. At least they support modesty! Ugh, I can't stand chipped nails. I have a nail polish, and the bottle says that it is "DIAMOND STRENGTH : No Chip Nail Color" but guess what? It chips MORE than my regular kind! Geez! Talk about marketing problems.

Wow, we do sound like total girls, don't we? Hahaha well I feel like staying girly for a few more minutes, so I will talk about the shampoo I bought today. Shampoo AND conditioner, to be specific. I got a new kind, it's supposed to be for people with wavy or curly hair. Let's see what it says on the bottle....

*40% MORE!*
totally twisted
curls & waves shampoo
french lavender twist
jade extracts
I'm deliciously bent, and your hair is, too.
Okay, so that is my shampoo bottle. We shall see if it works...or if it is another of one of those amazing marketing jobs. (Think "DIAMOND STRENGTH" nail polish.)
Well I have to go now, but I will post later! See ya...
Love love love,

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hey Brunette!!!!

So I'm posting right now because I have been looking at some of the blogs that you folow and now I feel like posting hahaha. WOAH, BRUNETTE!!! You are, like, following a million blogs and like commenting on so many of the posts! Haha I liked when you told that one girl that there are better ways to express herself than by using bad language...love it! So true!

I am loving high school! I am in summer school for Health, because I am doing MUN! I love it! I have met soooo many friends and I have gotten better friends with Erin because we carpool. Your friend Kayla is hanging out with Lisa. Hmmm, interesting. Wonder how long that one will last!

Troy, (he was in my middle school), told me that Rachael and Jade are creepy. LOL!!!!! But then again, so is Troy. So, um, yeah. Troy talks to me sometimes because he happens to sit behind me; he's always like, 'Blonde, do you remember when ( fill in the blank) or who was it that (fill in the blank). Today he asked me the same question about the instructions like ten times. Then asked to see my paper with the question on it twice. Ouch. I hope he doesn't like me. Even as friends. He cheated on a health test-I was the only one in my class that got 100% on it-and got caught and got a zero on it. He deserves it. I hate cheaters.

We talked about eating disorders today. My teacher said people do it mostly because they want some control of the situation. I gave him your name and email so he can contact you. JUST KIDDING!!!!! But, seriously, is that why you did it? Or to be thin? Because you are already tiny, so do not ever scare me like that again or I will come to your house and make you eat!!! I swear it's true! Especially after watching the video on it today. it was so sad. You will probably see it when you take health.

Guess what? 'Cory' is in Health! He's not in my class, but maybe he will be in my MUN class! Seriously, I need to get over him, but still. And he was valedictorian and everything. And he is funny and nice. Okay, I will stop now. You get the point. I will probably just like him until I meet someone else in highschool...he is just better than most people at S****, (I'm not cussing, I just don't want to say the name of my middle school/elementary school in case some creepy person is reading this lol). But I just kind of like him now. Really.

Erin asked me to go see Transformers 2 with her tommorow, but after what hearing what Beatrice said about it, I don't know if I'm going to even bother asking my parents about it! It sounds pretty bad; she said it should be rated R. So I will tell my parents Erin invited me, but say I've heard some bad things about it, (unlike a lot of teenagers, I don't even WANT to see that stuff!!!)

I am seriously loving highschool thought. It's soooo less immature than middleschool! I'm looking forward to August 31st. Except I don't want homework. Brunette, you are going to be in shock. No, wait you do Biola. But still. Like, I bet we get a ton! I had a ton this year!

I am going to
do my nails tonight. What color should I choose-pink...purple...red...white...green...? No, I'm not going to ask you, I'm just going to paint them pink. Hahahaha sorry, but you would never pick pink. The only problem is that it wouldn't match with my bathing suit or my blue sparkly toenails. What is a girl to do??? Just kidding! I will most likey use the pink from Jade's bday party anyways, because I love it. I've seen you wear it and it looked really pretty and didn't chip or anything. Don't you hate chipped nails? I know that's really girly girl, but I'm sorry. I just HATE when my nails chip!

Well, that is all I have to post about 2day! There are some other things, like this really funny thing Emily did, or this cool drawing Ari did, or Natalie's gymnastics, or Erin's sister, or Madison's party on July 17th, or Serena, ( a different Serena, she's a freshman, not Serena that I've known since I was born lol),'s funny explaining something to Natalie, but you don't know those people-you will soon!-so you wouldn't find any of that very interesting! So goodbye! Comment and post!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, love, love, Blonde!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You forgot to publish this, Brunette :)

4:29 pm Why do my eyes hurt so bad? They feel really dry and burning lately.

4:14 pm Okay there is this actor named Mark Wahlberg and he looks like a forty-year-old Nick Jonas :-O Creepy.

4:13 pm The JBs new album, Lines, Vines, and Trying Times was released today! Yay....new music for iPod.

4:08 pm La la la....I dont understand people in general. It must be a gift.

4:03 pm Talking to Blonde on IM..... ;)

3:58 pm My computer still refuses to make noise. My mommy and I will probably be calling Dell soon. Pray that we can fix the problemo! :]

3:55 pm "I don't want you, I don't need you."

3:54 pm Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my poker f a a a a a c e.

9:45 am Team Red.

9:27 am My "brilliant idea" was so brilliant...that it failed.

8:51 am Restarting the computer.

8:51 am I think I fixed it...we'll see in a moment.

8:50 am Okay I am really, really mad...the sound on my computer is NOT WORKING and I am trying to fix it. Ughughughhh

8:35 am So the newest stuff will be at the top, and the previous will be at the bottom.

8:34 am P.S. To get the whole "Twitterlook", my tweets shall be arranged from top to bottom....sort of like a blog.

8:33 am Awesome. Twitterness! Hehe.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

30 Things

GREAT idea, Blonde! I really really needed something to write, cuz my last attempt at a post kinda failed. So this is perfect. Here we go:

30 *UPDATED* Things About Brunette

1. My hair is....well, it's dark brown. It used to be REALLY dark, almost black, but it's lightened a lot. I used to be really bugged by my hair because it was so very thick; but I got it thinned out, thank goodness. Thinning shears = my saving grace!

2. My favorite color is (still) red. Love it. My least favorite color is yellow. My second favorite color is blue, and my second least favorite is pink. Wow...confusion!

*3. I love wearing dresses! I just feel so pretty and free in them. I don't have a chance to wear them very often, but when I do I'm very happy.

4. I just wear mascara now, and I'm comfortable with it. I don't wear lip gloss except for maybe once a month...I like it though. But I just forget to wear it, or I don't feel like it hahaha!

5. I am a Catholic Christian, and God is the center of my world! I would be nothing and nowhere without Him. Actually, nothing would EXIST without God! Duh.

*6. It really gets me mad when people deny God. They just have ginormous egos and they don't want to accept that there really is something greater than them. Much, much greater.

7. I want to be a film director when I grow up. Music videos, movies....anything. As long as its wholesome! I could never direct something that was morally twisted or against God. I would feel responsible. I want to change society for the better through my work.

*8. I often wonder what it would like to be famous.

*9. I love acting and singing! I don't sing in front of people though...well, not very often. I don't think I'm that good, but I like doing it!

*10. The first thing I notice about a guy is his hair. That's probably why I like Nick Jonas - his hair is adorable!

11. Music is sort of an escape for me. I like songs that have real meaning or that I can relate to.

12. My biggest pet peeve is when people tell me or someone else how a movie, show, or book ends. UGH...it annoys me to great lengths. UGH.

*13. My other pet peeve is when people try singing a song they don't know the words to. I am probably guilty of it too...but I guess it just bugs me when OTHER people do it! :)

*14. My other pet peeve is seeds inside of cherries. I mean, really: those fruits should be too small to even have seeds in them!

15. I have a major sweet tooth. But you already knew that...

16. I laugh at random stuff. A lot. It really bugs people around me, cuz they don't see what is so funny and when I try to explain it they are just like, "Umm...what?" Sometimes I laugh for no reason. But that's just me. :)

17. I am glad to be your friend too, Blonde! You make my life interesting too...hahaha the feeling is mutual.

18. I CAN'T WAIT FOR HIGH SCHOOL! I'm a little scared, but most of all I'm excited. It's going to be a whole new world, for me especially. I can't believe it's actually happening in less than 3 months. Ahhhh........gulp. A good gulp though.

*19. I don't like Pride and Predjudice. It's so incredibly boring! I'm on chapter seven, I believe. PLEASE tell me it gets better, Blonde! Please!

20. I should be blonde. My skin is pale and my eyes are light blue. According to reason, my hair should be light colored too. Most brunettes, even if they do have pale skin, have brown eyes. I'm a misfit. But then again, the rest of my family has brown hair and blue eyes, so I guess I'm okay! :)

21. I was born blonde. Not even kidding. And my hair was very thin. I was blonde until I turned like 5 or something. Hahaha! Weird.

*22. I get very stressed about schoolwork.

*23. The latest I think I've stayed up without sleeping is 3:45 am. I was doing schoolwork, in my bathroom, with a pillow under the door so my parents couldn't see that I was awake.It was the night before my last day of Biola, and I was SO VERY STRESSED that I was literally shaking. I can't even tell you. Wow.

24. I wear a purity ring. And I'm proud of it! I think I could only ever marry someone who has kept the same pledge. What better thing to give your future wife or husband then to tell them that you've been waiting for them?

*25. Speaking of purity rings, one of my favorite quotes is "True Love Waits." How beautiful is that? :)

*26. I love eighties songs. I'm slightly obsessed... It's funny cuz I'll know an old song by heart and I'll start singing it and my parents are like, "How do you KNOW that?! You weren't even born!" Hahaha! Classic.

*27. I love: peaches, the feeling of a horse breathing onto you, dresses, the sound of REAL laughter, people getting my jokes, Phil Collins, summertime, and Converse. And I love my family so very, very much!

*28. I lost my bestest friend in the entire world exactly one year ago today. Her name is Pellet and I miss her so much that it hurts. I knew her since I was six and I remember when I became friends with her. It was right after my mom got out of the hospital. Pellet was very special to me because she was always there, no matter what. She never let me down and she was my friend when no one else was. And now she is gone. Her seventh birthday is in three days. I never got to celebrate her sixth with her, and I would give anything to be able to have her for her seventh. Anything.

29. I procrastinate with everything. I am absent-minded and easily distracted. Who knows how I get good grades? I don't even know how I do it! But hey, I'm not complaining. :)

*30. I AM OFFICIALLY ON THE THIRTIETH THING! Hmmm...what shall I write? Okay, I will tell you my biggest secret. My biggest secret is


Betcha didn't know! ;)

Lots of love,


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

30 Things

Hey! I think we should do the thirty things list again, that was interesting! I'll try to make mine longer this time. What about you have to do at least eight things that you think the other person doesn't know about you and star, (*) them? Okay, here we go:


1. My hair is toally annoying. But you already know that. :) I curl it, but it lasts for like, thirty minutes. And that is, like, an all time high record haha.

*2. I know something that my brother doesn't know, and I shouldn't know, but he should know, about something that his best friend did that would make my brother mad. Confusing enough for you?

*3. I probably can't do cross country because of my hurt back. I'm soooo mad. I love running!

*4. I am friends with a girl who secretly likes my brother, while he secretly likes her. And they both secretly have been told that the other one likes them. The girl doesn't believe it, but my brother does. But neither knows that the other one knows that they like the other person. So horribly complicated.

*5. I love to sing! I rarely sing in front of people, though.

*6. I text too much. I am sooo going over my budget. Uh oh. It's so hard NOT to text though!

*7. Five people in the world know who I sort of like. Five too many, in my opinion. Well, except for you. I know you would tell me if you liked someone, so it's only fair.

8. I loooove pink! Best color ever!

9. I am a Christian. I LOVE how people used to draw a fish in the sand if they were Chrisitan. I think that is the coolest thing.

*10. I love the store Aerostople. It has suchhhhh cute stuff! It is my favorite store at the moment! We should go to the mall together sometime! Would your mom let you go alone? 'Comment' your answer!

11. I also love Nordstrom and Tillys and American Eagle! :)

12. I looooove to shop! And I love the mall!

*13. The library is one of my favorite places ever. I could stay in there forever, among all those books. I love the smell of the library too and how everything is nice and quiet.

14. I like my height. I think 5'3 is a perfect height. Not too short, not too tall.

15. I love hanging out with friends! I always have so much fun! I can't wait for high school!

16. I think reading is one of the best things to do. Very close to the best. I loooove reading.

17. I am in a very good mood right now, thinking about all these good things. :)

18. My pet peeve: people cheating on tests in class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT AND DON'T EVER GET CAUGHT AND GET ALL THE GOOD GRADES!!!!!

19. My favorite thing: When people make an effort and invite me to do something or be friends or something, instead of me always doing it myself.

20. I love: standing up for what is right! I really do. It gives me the best feeling. Maybe I should be a lawyer. Some people say I should.

21. I want to be either a teacher or a lawyer when I grow up.

22. I want to have three BROWN EYED KIDS when I get married. Hahahah remember that, Brunette?

23. I made a neighborhood friend today. Her name is Emily. She knows Emily M., they go to the same school. PS: She will be at the party! :)

24. I am glad to be your friend, Brunette! If nothing else, you always make my life interesting! I am glad to know you going into highschool too.

*25. I am wearing a blueish green Juicy jacket, a cute tank top, and jeans.

26. Malteses are my absoulte favorite dogs! I love my own dogs, but it's true.

27. My favorite flower is a sunflower! They are so bright and cheerful!

28. I love sour jellybeans! Possibly my favorite candy ever!

29. I am looking forward to meeting Jake. hehehehe

30. I love to write! Stories, poems, school papers, anything!

Love, love, love,


Monday, June 8, 2009

Second Chance, by Shinedown

Hey Brunette!

This post is the antidote to the other one, whch was rather deep. This post will be amazingly, stupendously, and fantastically shallow! So here we go!

So, our second chance at the resolution! We both failed miserably-well, you didn't really; I suppose that I should speak for myself. I, for one, failed miserably. The ending of yours wasn't really fair, I suppose. 'Stephen' moved. All this guy stuff-well, we stated then, we ARE teenagers haha. I can't believe that we-especially you-are almost FIFTEEN! AHHH!

Well, luckily there is always time for a seond chance! You have already expressed interest in THE RESOLUTION: PART TWO!!!!!!!! Now, let's see what the rules were in the first resolution:

1. You can't be self concious
2. You must become the friend of Cory/ Stephen.
3. You must have a somewhat meaningful conversation in the tentative boundery of a week.

So...last time, we both blew it with the whole conversation thing altogether. The week obviously didn't work, so we probably need to extend the time-also, we need time to pick our future, um, friends too. And they cannot be the same person, no matter how cute or friendly one guy may be hahahaha. Because I automatically get him first. Just kidding! :)

So the first rule still applies. That's a pretty good one. We have to have a sleepover before school starts to finalize everything, of course. But these are just rough ideas.

Anyways, so the friend rule applies too. I think it might work better this time, since it is much easier to be friends with a guy you don't have a crush on-or do, but don't know very well-than vice versa. I know from experience on both sides! So that is the second rule.

Third rule: meaningful conversation within a week. Woah. Wayyyyy too fast. Not many people meet a friend and have a meaningful conversation with them within a week. So, let's make it a month. It sounds like a long time, but we can post our progress through the month! And then we will maybe still be friends with the person throughout the year!

The last rule that I can think of is that we have to track all progress-oops, better add the adult content to our blog, jk, jk. Well, unless you reeeeally don't want to, but I think that should be a rule!

Well, that's all I can think of! Please add on your own ideas! Hope you enjoyed this shallow post and have recovered from the other!

XOXO, Blonde

If Today Was Your Last Day, by Nickelback

Dear Brunette,

I was watching something and I had the weirdest thought: we don't know how much time we have left on earth. I mean, that's obvious, but have you ever REALLY thought about it? We could have sixty years left or six minutes left. It puts everything so much into perspective. If you are going to do something that might be mean, what if that mean thing is the last thing you ever did? Or if you are deciding whether or not to bother doing something nice for someone else, what if that was the last thing someone else ever did for them?

Read through these amazing lyrics:

If Today Was Your Last Day
by Nickelback

'My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day’s a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride

If today was your last day
and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
If today was your last day

Against the grain should be a way of life
What’s worth the prize is always worth the fight
Every second counts ’cause there’s no second try
So live like you’ll never live it twice
Don’t take the free ride in your own life

If today was your last dayand tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce of memories
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one you’re dreamin’ of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love

If today was your last day
If today was your last day

Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?
You know it’s never too late to shoot for the stars
Regardless of who you are
So do whatever it takes
‘Cause you can’t rewind a moment in this life
Let nothin’ stand in your way
Cause the hands of time are never on your side

If today was your last dayand tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?

Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce of memories
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one you’re dreamin’ of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love

If today was your last day.'

Yeah, those are pretty amazing words, in my opinion. You should buy that song, the words are so good! It's an excellent song and reminder to live each day like it's your last!


Sunday, June 7, 2009


Hi again Blonde...

DUDE. We need more followers, because now there is real drama besides the usual boy, family, or outside friend stuff haha. Actually I am pretty sure that boys have not been mentioned here for a long time. Funny, since that was sort of the original purpose of this blog...

Anyway! Thanks, but I pretty much said what was needed in my last post. I don't think it would be necessary for me to say what I had planned to say a while ago, cuz I think it's best to try and move on from what happened. I don't want to have to bring up the past right now, considering we are on a somewhat good level at this point! Better to let life take its course and not try to solve what's already been pushed aside. And no -- we will never be enemies. Never. Sure, there are going to be times, especially in high school, where we might not LIKE each other, but we have already been through too much together to hate each other completely. I just can't imagine being enemies with you. I will always be your friend - most likely not your "best" friend, but know that I will be there.

Alrighty....let's see. I need to update my songs. And I want Swedish Fish...but probably not a great idea right now since I'm in the middle of...that time. I feel kind of fat right now hahaha but whatever! It's just a sign that my body is doing what it's supposed to. :)

Seriously, our bodies are so amazing! I can't imagine what God might have been thinking while He was creating us. Everything about us is made to function perfectly with every other part. God is so awesome. He didn't leave anything out. Except maybe wings...that would be beyond cool.

Oh, before I go...Looks like I'll be inheriting my parents cell phone. Ugh. Oh well....better than nothing. And if I'm good, then maybe they will be inclined to get me a new phone..? We'll see. :)


If there is something that you really want to say, you are more than welcome to say it, but I just have already promised myself not to react negatively or get in another 'fight'. However, if you do not require any specific response, and it would make you better just to tell me whatever it is, then fine, go ahead. Or, if what you wanted to say was in the last post, then okay, I agree. We will never be enemies. Ever. And I think, somehow, that we will always be friends, because I honestly do like you. How good of friends, I don't know. That we will see, I guess.

Anyways, yeah, the party was so fun! I know I wasn't really hanging out with you much-I was mostly with Tiffany-but you seemed to be having fun too. That was funny when you defended Melanie and Tiffany's all, "God, what have you done to Megan?" Hahahahaaha. Tiffany and I were totally blaming everything on Melanie and it was really funny, and to my surprise, Haley joined in a little bit too! Tiffany and I both looked at her for a second, then kind of just accepted it haha I didn't know she had a sense of humor, but I'm glad she does, because she and the friend that was there are both in the St. Kilian's play! I have play practice today, and I will find out what part that I got. Haley doesn't know for sure if she is doing the play, (she got so shy in the auditions that she started crying), but her friend said that Haley is haha and her friend-I forget her name-definitly is. At the auditions, I hung out with a girl who I knew from the last plays, named Bianca, and Haley's friend, because Haley was off crying and her friend needed to practice the reading part.

During the game, Megan Wheeler kept saying how I had three strikes-on three, she was going to 'sock me'. And of course I got extensive details. :) Believe it or not, it actually hepled my serving for some weird reason. She had two strikes, and so did I-but then we each got a strike taken off...

Well, g2g! BLONDE

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Let your book begin...the rest is still unwritten.

Hey Blonde!

I know what you mean. I was planning on talking to you tonight, but I decided not to for a number of reasons. One, I didn't want to spoil the mood of the party. It was so much fun! Two, and most importantly, I realized that what I had to say might matter to me, but as mentioned in your earlier post, you don't care. That's not a bad thing! I understand. I'm sick of fighting too.

We're moving forward to another chapter in our lives, both socially and academically (high school....ahh!). I think it would be best if we put this all behind us. Not that we have to forget...that's never a good idea. It's simply better if we take a deep breath and move on with our lives. We may or may not be friends, but that's okay. We both had lots of fun together and it was great - more than great - while it lasted. I'm not saying it has to end...simply that we need to move on. It's obviously going to be a different kind of friendship, or acquaintance - whatever you want to call it. I'm sick of fighting, sick of wondering, sick of accusing. And I think you are to!

BUT, I will continue blogging! I really enjoy it. It's sort of an escape for me...and I think it would be good if we keep in touch this way. Sort of our happy little secret. :)

I'm going to continue to be nice to you, and I'm not going to pretend like any of this never happened. I've learned from it, and I hope you have too. It was an amazing, rough, crazy experience...so thanks for the ride.

Lots of love, Brunette.

The Big 80!!!

There are officially eighty posts on this site! And also? I have decided the following:

I don't know what you're going to tell me tonight and it is probably not good. BUT I am so sick of fighting that I have already mentally decided to just not get involved in anything else. If you are mad, okay, cool. If you are not mad, okay, cool. But I just SO don't care anymore; I am done with all of this drama. So do what you want and I am just going to keep living my life!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Only Happy When It Rains

Hey Brunette!

We are totally loving the weather right now!!! Lightening and thunder and rain=best weather ever!!! Haha which makes us sound like really depressed or something, but whatever! We are just totally AMAZING like that!

I hope it stops raining a bit when I go to the Irvine Spectrum though, because it's like an outdoor mall and yeah. I want to go to Hollister-I have my spelling bee money now! I won the middle school spelling bee, so I got a hundred doallars!!!! Yay! I needed the money too!

I am soooo excited for highschool. Everyone else is like, 'I'm soooo nervous', but I'm not at all, I don't know why...I suppose nothing can be worse than my old school, (it's so hard to not put names)!!!! I am so looking forward to new friends, activities, etc. I HATE HATE HATE my back. I might not be able to do cross country because of it, since it huuuurrrts after I run. But I reeeeeallly want to do cross country! I HAVE to do it, especially so I will know people!

I have noticed that my 'catch phrases' in this blog are 'etc.' and 'totally....

this was a draft and now I am home from the Spectrum! I got such a pretty necklace, but didn't have time to go to Hollister. I did end up swimming at 10:00 a.m., when all the rain, etc. (see???), was done. Now I am home and I curled my hair and I am going to walk Flora with Cole and Mom, (because of me, we are NOT getting rid of Annie! Yay!), and Annie. We are going on a hike. Then I will do homework, eat dinner, and pick you and Beatrice up! See you soon! Post!
Love, Blonde

Tuesday, June 2, 2009



AWWWWWWW!!!!!!! I just read some old posts and the drafts you added recently and you were always so NICE to me with your comments and how you were mad at the people who were mean to me and loved the people who weren't and I don't think I was that nice nearly enough!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for being so amazing!!!!!!!! Seriously, you are such a great friend, I don't know what I would've done without you all these years!!!!! Oh, also, you should totally read your camp rock-er, leadership saga-it's HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was laughing when I read it. It's a total mix of fact and fiction that makes it great-really what it is is an extreme exaggeration haha. But still. I love it! It's really well written too, it totally sounds like a real story out of a book! I wish my life was that simple! You can definitly write my life haha.

Anyways, you are soooooooooo awesome!!!! Thank you so much for everything! I love you!

PS: I wrote two other posts under this already, from today and yesterday, if you haven't already read them!!!! :)
Hey Brunette!

That was fun at the sports thing last night...my mom told me that Coach Dale-sorry, that's how I think of him, not Mr. -------, (not putting last names)-said, 'Some of the means girls in Megan's school are here tonight and I was glad when Megan walked down with a group, because they thought she wouldn't have any friends here, and I, (meaning Coach Dale) was like, 'YES!!!! Take that!' My mom was like, 'Yeah, our mean girls are here too and I was thinking the same thing!' Hahahaha how much can you hear Coach Dale saying that? He's so funny.

Anyways, that was kind of funny when J was calling your name and you didn't hear her, so it looked like you were ignoring her. She was sooooo mean to me at school that I am glad about you 'ignoring' her haha.

Your sisters, (no names), 'Beatrice', and I were talking about how we are all sooooo going for foot ball. And you, of course, are doing wrestling. As you say, if you can touch it, you can lift it!!!!!!

I am so busy today. I have a ton of work to do-again, I should probably be doing it right now....and then I am doing pilates with my mom, which I wouldn't do, except for that my ortho is right after and she wouldn't be able to pick me up in time. I want my braces if sooooooooooo badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They BETTER be off soon. I told my orthadonist very strictly and in no uncertain terms that they WOULD be off by high school. He PROMISED me at the beginning that they would be. Now he is panicking because I think he put them, (like with Mo's braces), on too early. I don't care. He BETTER have a way to get them off. ASAP!!!!!!!

Then I have the play auditions and then I have dinner for my last cgroup. :( I'm so sad it's our last one, but I know I will see my friends from it again. They are going to our highschool, (well, my three friends are). Erin is in my cgroup, you met her last night, isn't she nice? There is also Madison J., who you have met before, and Kristen, the really blonde one that you met at the Three! Those are my cgroup buddies!!!! :)

I also have to fit in walking Flora sometime today. Ahh, it is sunny today, sadly. My rain never came! It was cold earlier today, but not anymore! I wish it would get cold again.

Well, I have to go! Post soon! If you didn't read June 1st's post, read it! It is below this one! Obviously, since it was yesterdays, but still. BYEEEE!

L<3ve, Blonde

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hey Brunette!

Ahhh, I have so much to do; there is NO way that I should be posting right now! But I'm sooo bored....I am taking a hard science final and can't find the answer and don't want to do schoolwork! I am soooooo mad about Annie, but my mom said it is really better for her. But STILL.

Anyways, what is interesting in my life? My life has calmed down a lot, although we keep getting phone calls from people, saying that they didn't know about the bullying was going on and that they hate Maddie, Jade, Tori, Rachael. Which is nice. :)

I am listening to 'From Where You Are', by Lifehouse, and wishing that it was summer for me! This song is so depressing, perfect for today's weather. Did you know that people actually need some sun in to remain happy and balanced and everything?People get depressed if they never have any sun. I like cold weather, though, because my nose doesn't get burnt. :) It's so weird: my nose always gets burnt and the rest of my face doesn't! I hate it!

I wish it would rain. I LOVE rain! So I will give you 10 'rain quotes':

1. Anyone who says sunshine brings happines has never danced in the rain. -Unknown

2. The best thing anyone can do when it's raining is let it rain. -Henry Longfellow

3. A poet is someone who stands outside in the rain, hoping to be struck by lightening. (What????) -James Dickey

4. Into each life some rain must fall. -Henry Longfellow

5. I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain; what a wonderful feeling, I'm happy again! (song)

6. ...may rain fall softly on your fields. -Irish Blessing

7. I love the rain. I want the feeling of it on my face. -Katherine Mansfield

8. And when it rains on your parade, look up, not down. Without rain, there would be no rainbow. -G.K. Chesterton

9. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. -Dolly Parton

10. It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow. -Unknown

Well, I just turned around, aand guess what? It's sunny now. So...ten sun quotes:

1. If you keep on smiling, the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you. -Anna Lee

2. Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual trip around the sun. -Unkown

3. Turn your face to the sun and shadows will fall behind you. -Unknown

4. A good heart is the sun and the moon-or, rather, the sun, not the moon, for it shines bright and never changes. -William Shakesphere

5. To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. -David Viscott

6. Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for quite some time, but it ain't going away. -Elvis Presley

7. Love is like the sun: it has its inner energy source that shines on you. -Helene Lagerberg

8. There is no planet sun or star that could hold you, if you but knew what you are. -Ralph Emmerson

9. Today a new sun has risen for me.

10. May the sun shine all day long, everything go right and nothing go wrong. May those you love bring love back to you, and may all the wishes you wish come true.
-Irish Blessing
