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Monday, March 23, 2009

Hey, Brunette! I like your last post, it's very well written...

Sometimes I scare myself a little. If something bad happens, I hold it in and don't tell anyone-or maybe someone at school-but when I get home, I have to act like nothing happens. Nothing bad, like bad bad. Just-well, by now you have probabaly guessed that something bad has happened! Not directly, but I heard about it. It's those stupid girls again. I don't know if I'm glad I know or not. Little do they know that they have an informer within them! And guess who it was? None other than Jasmine! She tells me what they say and I act like I don't care...I don't know if I do. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It's just frusterating, because they used to be like some of my best friends. Well, that's about it. If I'm still this mad tommorow, I would like to see one of them if they try to talk to me...

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