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Friday, March 20, 2009

What I Go To School For

Hey Blonde! Mo and Mic, along with mother, are all downstairs watching a show that I am not crazy about, so I have the computer to myself, hence I can post in PEACE! Finally! It is sooo annoying to have to use the family desktop in a room without doors. Ugh.

The other day was Biola, so while I was sitting there in class I thought I should write sometime about what my day at Biola is usually like. My first class, I.E.W. (stands for the Institute for Excellence in Writing....sheesh), starts at 9:05. Teacher is Mrs. Osborne -- very tall, not fat but heavy and EXTREMELY awkward. It's painful to watch. It's not like she is awkward talking or anything, but she looks so uncomfortable when she's walking or standing or sitting. Pidgen toed. Shoulder-length yellow hair. Weak voice. My class consists of: Keira, Nate, Paige, Taylor, Phillip, Felicity, Gina, and me. There used to be a TON of more people, but a lot of them dropped out over semester break cuz it was getting expensive (ugh, one person in particular who dropped out comes to mind. But it's not important anymore hahahaha!). Borinnnng class, and it does not help that its my first class, cuz it would help if I had a funner class to start off the day! SOmetimes we play games though, so it has the potential to be fun. But mostly it's my drag class.

An hour and a half later, I get out of class, meet Nicole in study hall, go to the bathroom with Nicole, go back to study hall/chapel and sit with Paige and Nate. Listen to the student band sing. It's not much of a band, just a guy with a guitar and two girls. The guy can play the guitar and sing pretty well, but the girls....hmmm I think they just sing so they can sit next to the dude. If you knew them and you saw him then you would know what I mean! Hahahahaha :) Then after the singing Pastor Carr comes in and talks to us all about a portion of the Bible (right now it's Ephesians). I like Pastor Carr -- he's really nice and funny and he doesn't take himself too seriously.

Chapel takes 40 minutes, and so after class I head to science with Paige and Nicole, and Sam, Michael, and Phillip follow. Or lead. Whatever...we all get there! :) My science/health teacher is Mrs. Tamez. I LOVE her. Even though she is older, she is very pretty. Short, silver-blonde hair, big blue eyes, perfect nose, and she always dresses really nicely. She's very funny and easy-going...she is one teacher who pretty much lets you off easily if you need an extension or you forget something. But she doesn't put up with nonsense either. It was funny the other day -- you see, Sam is pretty talkative sometimes even though he talks really, I dunno, smartly, but he tends to get sidetracked. So we were in class and Sam was talking about some random thing and Mrs. Tamez was like, "Sam, do you have ADD?" And he's like, "It's possible." And then he laughs (he always laughs after he says something) and we all start cracking up. Science class is the best class -- it's annoying though because it is right before lunch, and every Wednesday you can order pizza at Biola. So we are all hungry in class and we can just SMELL the pizza since we are downstairs., and poor Nicole gets super hungry and her stomach starts growling and then we are all like, "I'M STARVING!" Yeah.

So then there is lunch. Not much to say about it....there are no chairs or tables and we all eat outside with no parents or anything and the seventh graders are really crazy and almost every time something gets spilled on the ground where everyone is sitting (cold concrete) so we all have to pic up our books, backpacks, and lunches and relocate to another patch of hard asphalt. Ugh.

Last class is history. It's only me, Jonathon, and Sam, and our teacher is Mrs. Carlson. She used to scare me because I thought she hated me but now she likes me so I am no longer scared! Hahahaha.... :) Kind of a subdued class...we start off with turning in homework and then we take our quizzes, and usually for the rest of the class we do an art project while Mrs. Carlson reads something historical to us. Very relaxing! I like to end my day with it.

Sooooo then I go home, and I'm usually picked up by Mrs. Waymire or Mrs. Deffenbaugh, and then when I get to my house I take a shower and do math with my mom, and then go to EYG! And that is my day at Biola! Hope I didn't bore you to death.....but I said all the sentimental things in my comment to you! :)

Love, Brunette.

1 comment:

Blonde said...

I loooove your descriptions! They're sooooo good: I can see it! XOXO, Blonde