Hi!!!! Ok, now I will continue.Oh, by the way, if you are reading this, Audrey, I read some of your blogs and they're good!!! Anyways, back to my story. So, you know how I don't like L? Well, I was kinda in a fight with some of my friends and it was kinda cuz of L and L thought it was because of me and J said I should just tell her the truth and that I am sick of her because she's kinda ruining my life right now! And I thought about it and I was debating on whether to do that or not already, so I did, I just said, L, you know, this fight is kind of about you and J does not feel comfortable with you hanging out with us because you guys fought a lot last year and maybe you hanging out with us is not working. Nice, right? She could've taken different meanings from that. And she didn't like say anything and just went to class. So then she tells the teacher that she doesn't feel well and she wants to go home. So she goes up to the office. By now it is lunch. With this new drama, our old fight is suddenly put on the shelf, and we are all discussing this and M and T saw L crying, and we want to explain and also not get in trouble, so we go up the stairs to see if she's ok. As we go up the stairs, L and her mom are going down the stairs. L's mom sees J and totally pins her up against the rail and starts SCREAMING at her IN SPANISH NO LESS and putting her finger in her face and everything because she thinks this is all J's faulty. Looking back, it's actually pretty funny, but at the time it was a little scary and J was like, I didn't DO anything! And L's mom stomped off with L. So J and M kinda talking and me and T talking by them and then I started crying 4 a reason that is just too long to blog about, you had to know aout everything, and so T and I go to the bathroom and J and M are calling J's mom to tell her what happened and then G(abi, a friend of ours), shows up and me and T are ok now, but still really worried about everything with L, so G says let's go to the snack bar and I will buy you guys ice cream. And so we're like, ok, cool. So we are walking up to the snack bar and J and M walk out of front office with assistant pricipal!!!! And J is walking ahead and she mutters to us, Don't get involved, don't get involved. So we're like ok, and Mrs. R. says, (who is universally hated) says Girls, were you involved? And I said, In what? and T looked confused and G said we were just going to get ice cream. And Mrs. R says ok, go ahead. So we went! So after we had a few bites of ice cream, our whistle blew and lunch as over. So I we went to our respective homerooms with our dear friends still in the principal's office. :( So, as I'm walking to homeroom, L's mom appears and starts like talking to me and saying that I haven't been acting like a Catholic and so on and so on and I say L hasn't either and then on and on we're arguing and my next class has already started and I'm standing outside talking to a angry woman with a thick accent and I can't even understand half of what she is saying and then M comes up and L's mom leaves and M says you have to go to the principal's office and the principal is in a meeting, so you have to write a paper on what happened. So I thought I might as well go now, before someone tells me to, so I went to the principal's office and my former art teacher who is absolutely EVIL is sitting there and says Come in, so I do. Then she says I have to write what happened. And I say what do you mean what happened, because I don't know what to write or where to start-like why I did stuff? And she was like, I don't know, just write it. And I was like Well, I don't know what to write, just my whole day, or what? (and I guess at this point, I was just being a little stubborn and difficult because this is such a stupid situation to be in and I really do hate this teacher). And J is in another room writing and cracking up because she can hear me and everyone hates this teacher. And she's like Just write what you're in here 4 and I was like I don't KNOW what I'm in here 4, I didn't really do anything, (besides, none of this is any of her buisness she just loves to punish people, Bradley always swears the only time she's happy is when she's giving out dismerits, hahaha he is really very funny sometimes), and she said write what you THINK you're here 4 and I said ok, but what is this 4? and she said 4 records and 4 mrs. m, (middle school pricipal), who's in a meeting. So I shut up and wrote 4 and a half pages explaining EVERYTHING, then went to class. Then today, I got called out of class with L and J and we basically resolved nothing with the principal and it was miserable because the principla was totally against us and 4 L, but I must say that it is very nice to have J involved, so I have someone to agree with and back up and someone to back me up too. Anyways, now L does not hang out with us and that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!!!!
And since you wanted details on Cory, well, sorry, I have nothing, I haven't talked to him in 4ever, so nada!!!!! And, if you are still reading, you will have said make up something, but I have already typed too much today and all I can say is the following true story which took place when my friends and I had lunch at Islands before going to see a movie:
(To give you background, only M knows who I like)
M: (Glancing pointedly at me) I think L likes Cory, (well, she said his real name, but whatever)
Me: Oh, yeah, she's ALWAYS talking about him.
J: Who does Cory like?
Me: I dunno.
J: I don't know if he likes anyone he's too smart hahahahaa.
Me: Ya hahaha
J: He's so nice.
Me: (Not saying anything, but a casual Mmmm)
(Everyone agrees)
Isn't that AKWARD? M totally set the whole thinkg up hahahahaha. Jerk! Jk, jk I still love her. K that is all so goodbye 4 now!!!! Love, Blonde
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