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Sunday, January 11, 2009

3rd blog

Well, at least YOUR blogs are interesting, that last one totally made me smile-your mom is probably saying that because she might have heard about the 4th and final book, where, well, think that one library book you had...yeah. Anyways, yes, of course my mom bugs me sometimes, whose mom DOESN'T bug them sometimes? :-) Well, today was kind of a weird day...two of my friends totally ditched me with L, (well, they said they weren't trying to ditch me, but it was still annoying). I know it wasn't because of me, it was because of L, who nobody likes, but, I mean, have a little loyalty! Don't just leave ME to deal with her! So I told them that seperately, just kind of casually-like what was up wth lunch? One aplogized, promised not to do it again, said it was nothing to do with me, (which I already knew, me and that girl are pretty good friends), and the other girl was just like, 'Oh, we were going to get something in J's homeroom', which was true, but they could've waited for me to finish eating! So I was just like, whatever. Kind of annoying, but I know and am 100 pecent sure it wasn't anything personal, just kind of annoying...I know it's not personal because I am reallly good friends with both of them, plus, they both came up and talked to me afterwaards and J said both of them were worried that I was mad at them. Everyone HOPES that L will get mad at them, so we can have a huge fight, (with no one on L's side, probably), and she will LEAVE US ALONE! 'Cory' seems to be going a little bit back to normal, which is good..his problem was, before, he wasn't particularly 'cool' or not 'cool' and he never really seemed to care. But, suddenly, he became cool somehow, and now he acts like he is, which is weird. What about 'Steven'? Well, that's the news 4 2day...you? LOve, Blonde

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